We provide a CDP+MA solution that establishes a consumer data asset platform, integrates operational data from various roles and channels, and intelligently applies data assets to create a data platform and management system for marketing intelligence, marketing growth, and marketing digitization.


Break down data silos: Integrate multi-source data from public and private domains to eliminate data silos and achieve a comprehensive consumer view.

Empower enterprises: Enable automated marketing and precision operations, enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience through data-driven strategies and personalized communication.

Guide digital marketing: Build comprehensive and direct consumer operation capabilities, providing guidance and support for your digital marketing initiatives.


Comprehensive Data Integration

Integrate multiple data sources to provide holistic customer insights for businesses.

  • Unified Data Perspective: A CDP system provides a centralized platform that allows businesses to gather information from multiple data sources, including consumer data, product data, sales demographics, and more.


  • Deeper Analysis and Understanding: By integrating these multiple data sources, businesses can gain insights not only into individual consumer behaviors but also into product sales trends and the performance of sales points, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of the market landscape.


  • For example, a clothing retailer may discover that a specific garment performs exceptionally well in certain stores but underperforms in others. By examining the integrated data in the CDP, they may uncover that the age demographics of the consumers in the successful stores align more closely with the target market for that particular product.

Intelligent Automated Marketing

Accurate and timely marketing campaigns triggered by data.

  • Automated Triggers: Automatically send relevant marketing messages based on various customer behaviors or specific events, such as cart abandonment or customer birthdays.


  • Multi-channel Marketing: Execute the same marketing strategy automatically across various channels, such as mainstream social media platforms, SMS, ensuring customers receive a continuous positive stimulus throughout their shopping journey.

Precise Recommendations and Optimization

Accurate content recommendations and strategy testing to provide users with highly relevant content and continuously optimize strategies.

  • Personalized Recommendations: Utilize advanced algorithms to provide each user with content or product recommendations highly relevant to their interests and behaviors.


  • A/B Testing: Test different marketing strategies or content to ensure that each interaction with customers delivers the best possible experience.


  • For example, a music platform utilizes precise recommendations to suggest personalized playlists to users. Through A/B testing, they identify the most popular recommendation algorithm, significantly increasing user engagement and retention rates.


